Suppose your business is looking to use online sales to grow your bottom line. In that case, you need to understand the importance of establishing a consistent and reliable sales Funnel in your online business. The sales funnel, or buying funnel at depicts the theoretical consumer journey towards purchasing an item or service. In its most simple form, this concept can be expressed as the process by which you would gather information and organize it into an “order” or “purchase order.” The online context illustrates how potential customers would be brought to a site to analyze their purchase decision further. While the concept is simple, defining and implementing the funnel process in your online business can be a bit more complicated than meets the eye.

There are four stages in the sales funnel: Awareness Stage, Interest Stage, Decision Stage, and Desire Stage. Each stage is equally important but in different ways. As with any business process, the overall goal is to establish customer awareness and interest in the offered products or services. This occurs through several online marketing strategies, including creating well-designed and easily accessible pages, providing product descriptions and clear explanations, offering samples or free trials, and engaging the audience in conversation. It is also essential to consider building a solid brand reputation before the awareness stage and solidifying a company position or management authority during the interest stage. With the amount of media coverage and online chatter that occurs during this time, your company needs to establish a position of authority and a brand identity.
Once the awareness stage is satisfied, customers are ready to move on to the next stage, which is to understand what they want and need from you as a company. In many cases, it will be at this point that you realize that it is not in your best interest to continue developing relationships with potential paying customers. In this situation, it may be in your best interest to focus on developing relationships with interested or currently paying customers. This is accomplished by developing a solid relationship through referral programs, sharing knowledge and resources, and sharing positive experiences.
To be successful at developing relationships and earning referrals, it is essential for the sales funnel to be tightly aligned with the customer’s needs and desires. For example, suppose a customer has just purchased a particular item from you and is looking for more information related to that item. In that case, you will want to include some form of a call to action within your emails and letters. Likewise, if a potential client is experiencing particular issues related to using the product, you may want to provide information on how to resolve these issues. In this way, you provide the best way for the customer to use your product and make it clear that you are aware of their experience and are working proactively to help them.
Once you have established your awareness of the current state of your business and the prospects’ needs, the sales funnel begins developing relationships with the most significant possible number of prospects. The relationship funnel moves slowly and steadily from interested parties to prospects. At each stage, you can use several sales techniques to separate you from the crowd further. One of the best strategies is to utilize a Wild Audience Identification (WAI) strategy. This consists of identifying the current wild audience and referring to them throughout the sales process.
Another effective sales funnel strategy is to utilize the four stages of relationship funnels described above. You first identify a potential client, a likely sales target based on their current needs, wants, and preferences. Next, you provide helpful information related to this client that would appeal to this person. Finally, you provide this client with a “call to action” that directs them to either sign-up for your product or service, request additional information, or take advantage of a special offer.
Once you have established yourself as a trusted advisor, you can introduce a fourth stage that helps you develop trust with prospects by addressing their buying beliefs and finding areas in which they may overreact. The buying beliefs or “voodoo” of the average prospect are anything but innocent. They can be surprisingly rigid, but once you navigate their defenses, you can make great strides toward developing a profitable clientele.
By following proven sales funnels, you will build a targeted list of customers. You will be able to quickly identify those potential buyers who are more likely to buy your product or service. As a result, you will be able to close more sales, build relationships, and generate more revenues. You will also discover more about who you should be marketing to. If you are ready to apply the principles of telesales, prospecting, and relationship selling, you need to start by following the most successful sales Funnel techniques now.